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Fransen Hostas has many years of valuable experience in shipping Hostas all year round. You can easily place an order online at our website and when you are logged in you will automatically receive Hosta credits for a next order. When an online order is placed you will immediately receive a confirmation of availability and total costs. You can also indicate in which week you would like to receive the plants. Plants will be sent after payment is received. The cost of shipping depends on which EU country you live in and there is a standard price per parcel no matter what number of plants you order. We also offer free shipping on orders with a certain minimum. The minimum amount of your order for free shipping and more shipping information can be found on our website. The plants will be shipped bare root which dramatically decreases the weight and helps to prevent damage to the plants.
You can select one of the three free bonus Hosta for every purchase of € 75 or more.