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Upright blue leaves with a ruffled margin, exciting hybrid of 'Komodo Dragon' x 'Elvis Lives'.
Greenish-yellow leaves.
Rounded blue-green leaves, easy to use in every garden, good growing, very floriferous.
Heart-shaped blue-green leaves with a heavily wavy margin.
Upright, thick and corrugated blue leaves. The all-blue sport of ‘Frost Giant’.
Heart-shaped, puckered blue leaves. The all-blue sport of 'Quiet Wyatt'.
Narrow green leaves with a yellow changing to white margin, sieboldii type.
Thick and upright, wavy green leaves with a rippled margin.
Very wavy green leaves. Plants we have are smallish but grow well.
Cupped and corrugated nice blue leaves. A cross between the two excellent blue Hostas, 'Halcyon' x 'Silver Bowl'.
Pointed green leaves with a slightly wavy margin. Initially seen as a species.
Small wavy blue-green leaves.
Blue leaves.
Yellow-green leaves with a white edge, a sport of a nakaiana hybrid.
Shiny wavy green leaves, very tall purple speckled flower scapes, black-purple seed pods.
Dark green ovate, nearly round leaves, the flat leaves do resemble hamburgers.
Small green leaves. Fast growing, all-green sport of 'Silver Mine' with some leaves showing a lighter green margin in sp
Small green leaves. Fast growing, all-green sport of 'Silver Mine' with some leaves showing a lighter green margin
Dark green leaves with a rough rippled margin. The all-green sport of 'Lakeside Paisley Print' that is worth having.
Dark green leaves with a rough rippled margin. The all-green sport of 'Lakeside Paisley Print' that is worth havin
Green leaves with a wide yellow border that later turns white.
Elongated, blue-grey leaves. All-blue sport of 'Lightning Flash'.
Green leaves with a white margin that has green flecks.
Narrow arching green leaves with a ruffled margin, a kikutii type.
Green leaves with yellow margins that becomes white.
Shiny green leaves with a subtle white margin, a yingeri sport and therfore is a humid and warm growing spot required.
Shiny green leaves with a subtle white margin, a yingeri sport and therfore is a humid and warm growing spot requir
Very shiny green leaves, wavy margins. Selected because of its special spider-like and long-lasting flowers. Hybrid with
Very shiny green leaves, wavy margins. Selected because of its special spider-like and long-lasting flowers. Hybrid
Narrow green leaves, white margin, identical to 'Bunchoko', probably a wild collected sieboldii sport.
Thick, rounded yellow leaves. A sport of ‘Sun Mouse’ that is selected because of its more heart-shaped and thicker leave
Thick, rounded yellow leaves. A sport of ‘Sun Mouse’ that is selected because of its more heart-shaped and thicker
Upright greenish-yellow leaves, rippled margin, 'Sum and Substance' x montana f. macrophylla hybrid.
Dark green leaves held on red petioles. The all-green sport of 'Luca' that spontaneously shows some leaves with a narrow
Dark green leaves held on red petioles. The all-green sport of 'Luca' that spontaneously shows some leaves with a n
Upright, elongated dark green leaves.
Green leaves with a very rippled margin, a montana type, better in the garden than on a pot.
Broadly ovate green leaves. Rapid growing, all-green sport of 'Pin Stripe Sister'.
Thick green leaves.
Cupped blue leaves with a wavy margin.
Narrow intense blue leaves, a 'Tardiana' with obvious a 'Tardiflora' background.
Heart-shaped blue leaves, good substance, fast grower.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a golden margin, dense low mound.
Heart-shaped powdery blue leaves, cross between longipes latifolia and 'Dorset Blue'.
Somewhat twisted green leaves with a heavily rippled margin.
Somewhat wavy, bright blue leaves of thick substance. Good growing Tardiana look-alike.
Spade-shaped, light-green changing to bright golden leaves.
Green leaves with a yellow margin, fast grower.
Green leaves with purple-red petioles, red goes into the leaves, pycnophylla is involved in this hybrid.
Long, pointed dark green leaves with a yellow changing to white margin, nice new intro with kikutii blood.
Blue-green heart-shaped and puckered leaves.
Pointed blue-grey leaves, an unknown 'Tardiana', but a nice one.
Thick, dark-green leaves. The all-green sport of 'Captain Kirk'.
Elongated green leaves with a yellow margin, visible red petioles because of it's upright growth habit.
Dark green leaves with a wide white border, good grower.
Light-green to yellow leaves with a green margin that intensifies during the season. Sport of 'Sea Yellow Sunrise'.
Rounded, dark green leaves. The all-green sport of 'Lights of Day'.
Small, narrow and pointed green leaves. The all-green sport of 'Little Devil'.
Arching green leaves with a narrow white wavy margin.
Intensely blue, blade-shaped leaves with thick substance. A seedling of 'Frances Williams'.
Very shiny dark green leaves with an irregular wide yellow margin that changes to white.
Heart-shaped arching leaves that have a metal blue color, slightly wavy leaves.
Round-shaped heavily corrugated blue-green leaves, a sieboldiana 'Elegans' hybrid.
Very shiny green leaves with a large fragrant flower. The all-green sport of 'The Sweetest Thing' and a very rapid growe
Very shiny green leaves with a large fragrant flower. The all-green sport of 'The Sweetest Thing' and a very rapid
Heart-shaped green leaves with a slightly rippled narrow yellow margin, a seedling with 'Galaxy' genes.
Small green leaves, wavy margin, this is the European form, probably named minor 'Goldbrook'.
Shinny, dark green leaves on purple petioles. Nice compact grower with striking ruffled edges.
Green leaves with a wavy, creamy yellow border that turns white.
Narrow intense blue leaves, a German 'Tardiana' introduction.
Grey-green wavy leaves. Supposed to be Hosta 'Hey You' but we doubt that.
Small green leaves, one of the many venusta selections.
Fairly thick, green leaves with a grey sheen. Almost white, intensely scented flowers.
Shiny dark green leaves of good substance with a creamy margin that turns white quickly, 'Blue Wedgwood' hybrid.
Round-shaped cupped good blue leaves, 'Tardiana' type.
Grey-green leaves with a yellow margin that turns cream.
Rounded blue leaves with a white back, sieboldiana 'Elegans' x pycnophylla hybrid.
Round-shaped blue-green leaves, easy to use, fast growing Hosta, good flowers.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a wide yellow, slightly wavy, margin that turns white during the season. Cute, fast growi
Heart-shaped green leaves with a wide yellow, slightly wavy, margin that turns white during the season. Cute, fast
Large green leaves, deeply impressed veins with a piecrust edge.
Upright and cupped blue-green leaves that are slightly puckered.
Long-shaped green leaves with rippled margins.
Small shiny green leaves, the green sport of 'Cracker Crumbs', nice good growing plant.
Blue-green leaves with a yellow margin that turns green with a white margin. A beautiful new introduction from Danny Van
Blue-green leaves with a yellow margin that turns green with a white margin. A beautiful new introduction from Dann
Shiny dark green leaves.
Large heart-shaped blue-green puckered leaves, sieboldiana hybrid.
Green leaves on red petioles.
Green leaves with a thick white wax on the back, reddish-violet leaf petioles, kikutii caput-avis seedling.
Shiny green leaves with red petioles, an 'Invincible' hybrid.
Large grey-green leaves with a ruffled margin, 'Ruffles' x sieboldiana 'Elegans' hybrid.
Small round green leaves, slightly wavy margin, seems to be different forms around of this Hosta.
Round green leaves. Simple but elegant with occasionally a “streaked” leaf.
Round puckered blue-green leaves, looks like a very good 'Tokudama'.
Shiny green leaves. Very rapid grower.
Heart-shaped shiny golden leaves that change to light green.
Heart-shaped good blue leaves that are slightly wavy and of good substance, looks like a 'Tardiana'.
Pointed blue leaves with wavy margins. A new Hosta that shows the best characteristics of its parents ‘Halcyon’ and ‘Spr
Pointed blue leaves with wavy margins. A new Hosta that shows the best characteristics of its parents ‘Halcyon’ and
Dark green leaves, a hybrid of ventricosa x 'Invincible' with characteristics of both parents.
Shiny green leaves, yellow changing to white margin, 'Swoosh' x 'Tardiflora' hybrid.
Elongated grey-green leaves.
Slightly shiny green leaves with heavily impressed veins surrounded by a ruffled yellow margin.
Narrow irregular wavy green leaves with a creamy-yellow margin that quickly changes into white, 'Tremors' is one of the
Narrow irregular wavy green leaves with a creamy-yellow margin that quickly changes into white, 'Tremors' is one of
Heart-shaped, blue-green leaves of thick substance and somewhat wavy leaves.
Narrow, dark green leaves with a wavy and serrated edge. The all-green sport of Electrocution.
Small, rounded yellow leaves. Not a sport of 'Blue Mouse Ears' but a seedling with all the characteristics of 'Blue Mous
Small, rounded yellow leaves. Not a sport of 'Blue Mouse Ears' but a seedling with all the characteristics of 'Blue
Shiny green leaves with a yellow margin, a hybride with yingeri that normally needs a warm spot in the garden.
Glossy dark green leaves with a rippled margin, good substance, 'Invincible' hybrid.
Shiny green leaves with very irregular yellow streaks and edges. Sport of ‘Swirls’ that is not as 'streaky' as its paren
Shiny green leaves with very irregular yellow streaks and edges. Sport of ‘Swirls’ that is not as 'streaky' as its
Thick heart-shaped green leaves, red petioles, a small longipes type that flowers late.
Heart-shaped, slightly arching blue-green leaves of good substance, the all-green sport of 'Yin'.
Small green leaves. The all-green sport of venusta 'Ki Nakafu Otome'.
Grey-green leaves with red petioles. A sport of 'Red Cloud'.
Heart-shaped green leaves with an irregular yellow margin, 'Dorothy Benedict' is one of its parents.
Long green leaves with a ruffled margin, intensely red petioles, 'Hacksaw' x 'Atom Smasher' hybrid.
Good yellow leaves, resembles 'Tortilla Chip' but better color in the shade, 'Cathedral Windows' sport.
Arching, glossy dark-green leaves on long petioles. Very rapid grower.
Heart-shaped blue leaves with a rippled margin, the largest of the Longiana series.
Green leaves with a slightly wavy white margin, one of the easiest and fastest growing Hostas.
Upright green leaves with a intensive rippled margin. Because of its upright habbit the red petiols and white back is pe
Upright green leaves with a intensive rippled margin. Because of its upright habbit the red petiols and white back
Elongated, wedge-shaped blue leaves.
Long-shaped, arching blue leaves with a wavy margin.
Upright blade-shaped blue leaves with a wavy margin.
Wavy narrow green leaves with a yellow changing to creamy-white margin, 'Galaxy' hybrid.
Blue leaves of good substance.
Large grey-blue leaves, shows many similarities with 'Blue Mammoth'.
Small, heart-shaped glossy green leaves with in early spring a yellowish-green border that changes quickly to green..
Small, heart-shaped glossy green leaves with in early spring a yellowish-green border that changes quickly to green
Grey-green leaves with a wavy margin. New Hosta introduction from Sweden.
Rounded, dark-green leaves. Fast growing, all-green sport of 'Ruffled Pole Mouse'.