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Fransen Hostas temporarily cannot accept retail orders that must be shipped to the UK. If you can pick-up your Hostas at the nursery with a UK destination we are able to provide a phytosanitary certificate (costs are ca. 150 Euro).
Ordering Hostas by mail is an ideal way to get your Hostas the easy way. We have good experience shipping Hostas throughout the growing season. Let us know by webshop the Hostas you would like to purchase and we will be more than happy to send them to you.
The cost of shipping depends on which EU country you live in. It is a standard-price per order. Look in the ledger below to find out what the shipping cost will be for you.
Please note: We currently do NOT ship Hostas to the U.S.A.!!
For countries outside of the EU the costs of a phytosanitary certificate and postage will be provided upon request.
1. The plants are collected in our sales tunnel
2. We take the plants out of the pot
3. The soil is removed from the roots
4. We pack the roots to protect them from drying out
5. The entire Hosta is packed in paper
6. The leaves are now protected too
7. The Hostas are sent in cardboard boxes