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Lanceolate shiny green leaves with a rippled yellow margin that changes to creamy-white.
Very thick dark green shiny leaves with a very ruffled edge, stunning sister hybrid of 'Marilyn Monroe'.
Glossy green leaves with a heavily ruffled margin. Late season blooming Hosta.
Arching, blue-green leaves with a very wide and wavy creamy-white margin.
Green leaves with a slightly wavy margin, very special flower buds.
Dark-green leaves of good substance with a wide yellowish-green margin. A nice sport of one of our favourite green Hosta
Dark-green leaves of good substance with a wide yellowish-green margin. A nice sport of one of our favourite green
Long-shaped wavy grey-green leaves with rippled margins held on purple-red petioles.
Golden leaves with a wide green edge, good substance, fantastic sport of 'Gold Standard'.
Green leaves with a dark gold margin that brightens later, 'Beatrice' x 'Frances Williams' hybrid.
Upright greenish-yellow leaves with light wavy margins. Will be bright gold in more sun.
Yellow leaves with a wide green margin, tetraploid sport of 'Stained Glass' with better substance.
Heart-shaped soft-yellow leaves with a wide blue margin, sport of 'Halcyon', looks like 'Touch of Class'.
Blue leaves with thin white margins.
Dark green leaves with a yellow margin.
Thick green corrugated leaves with a wide creamy-white margin, 'Dorothy Benedict' x hypoleuca hybrid.
Heart-shaped, intense frosty blue leaves with slightly wavy borders.
Glossy green leaves witl a slightly rippled margin. Purple scapes with beautiful flowers.
Upright green leaves with a very wavy margin, interesting cross between 'Grand Slam' and 'Party Favor'.
Deeply corrugated dark green leaves, red petioles, a very good grower.
Heart-shaped yellow-creamy leaves, green margin, morning sun for good growth, 'Sea Prize' hybrid.
Yellow-gold leaves that are intensely corrugated.
Rounded and corrugated blue leaves.
Grey-green leaves with an irregular yellowish-white center.
Large, intense green leaves that are extremely puckered. New and spectacular introduction that stands out due its deep r
Large, intense green leaves that are extremely puckered. New and spectacular introduction that stands out due its d
Blue-green leaves with a creamy-white edge, 'Calypso' x 'Halcyon' hybrid.
Oval shaped green leaves with a creamy-yellow changing to white margin, late flowering on deep red scapes.
Heart-shaped golden leaves with a wavy margin, the color intensifies in some sun.
Blue-green leaves with a yellow changing to creamy white center. Beautiful sport of 'Moonlight Sonata'.
Dark green leaves with a rippled margin, maroon colored petioles.
Shiny, green leaves held on red petioles. The red of the petioles goes way into the leaves of this open pollinated ‘One
Shiny, green leaves held on red petioles. The red of the petioles goes way into the leaves of this open pollinated
Large blue-green leaves with a wavy margin.
Large heart-shaped puckered green leaves with a wavy margin, a very impressive plant.
Blue leaves of good substance with a very rippled margin and twisted leaf tip, 'Elvis Lives' x 'Blue Cadet' hybrid.
Shiny dark green leaves with a yellow changing to cream margin, variegated 'Tardiflora' x 'Shining Tot' hybrid.
Very upright green leaves with deep red petioles, 'Maya Kingsnake' x 'Funny Cide' hybrid.
Lance-shaped yellow leaves with a green edge, greenish later, 'Lancifolia' type, a.k.a. cathayana 'Variegated'.
Golden leaves with a ruffled margin, good substance.
Green leaves on long red petioles, the red is clearly visible because of the upright grow habit.
Cupped and puckered yellow leaves that are held upward.
Very long and pointed yellow leaves. Spectacular Hosta with a flat growing habit.
Light-green leaves with slightly wavy margins, changing to yellow during the season held on dark purple petioles. Availa
Light-green leaves with slightly wavy margins, changing to yellow during the season held on dark purple petioles. A
Elongated, dark-green leaves with wavy margins held on dark purple petioles.
Long-shaped blue-green leaves with wavy margins held on purple petioles. In spring provided with a beautiful purple blus
Long-shaped blue-green leaves with wavy margins held on purple petioles. In spring provided with a beautiful purple
Shiny yellow leaves with the red of the petioles up into the leaves and margins. Will turn green later in the season.
Shiny yellow leaves with the red of the petioles up into the leaves and margins. Will turn green later in the seaso
Shiny green leaves with very dark purple petiols and scapes.
Upright grey-green leaves with rippled borders held on purple petioles.
Heart-shaped yellowish-green leaves with creamy-white borders held on pinkish-red petioles.
Narrow green leaves on red petiols. Fast growing, all-green sport of 'Chris' Little Jewel'.
Very narrow, elongated and pointed green leaves. Available plants are not big yet.
Grey-blue, cupped and corrugated leaves held on beautiful pink petioles. Very good grower.
Green leaves with upturned ruffled margins held on dark red petiols.
Elongated, narrow glossy green leaves with yellow borders that turn creamy-white quickly. Nice purple red petioles and f
Elongated, narrow glossy green leaves with yellow borders that turn creamy-white quickly. Nice purple red petioles
Upright,intens yellow leaves on purple red petioles. A beautiful new introduction of Christina Brinkmann.
Upright, intense yellow leaves with very rippled margins held on light-pink petioles.
White leaves with an irregular green margin, 'Night before Christmas' sport.
Thick green leaves with a creamy-white margin, a sport of 'Night before Christmas'.
Dark green leaves with a very wide yellow changing to white edge, 'Christmas Tree' sport.
Large puckered dark green leaves with a yellow changing to white edge.
Green leaves with a wide yellow margin, good growing sport of a seedling of 'Dorothy Benedict'.
Grey-green leaves, the red of the petioles goes into the leaves.
Wavy, shiny gold, thick leaves that stay good yellow through the season.
Lance-shaped green leaves with a rippled white margin. A sport of 'Red Dog' with a nice combination of red petiols and w
Lance-shaped green leaves with a rippled white margin. A sport of 'Red Dog' with a nice combination of red petiols
Arching blue leaves. The all-blue sport of ''Mourning Dove'' that we found interesting enough to name.
Narrow green leaves, spreading mound, this clausa opens its flower.
Dark-blue, waxy leaves, which holds its color throughout the season.
Thick dark green leaves with a narrow white centre, a nice sport of 'Loyalist'.
Dark green corrugated leaves with a wide golden edge, sport of 'High Noon'.
Green leaves with wavy borders. Special because of the beautiful pinkish-purple flowers and flower buds.
Thick blue-green leaves that change to shiny dark green, impressive plant, 'Glory' seedling.
Blue leaves of good substance with a creamy-yellow margin, the edged sport of 'Dorset Clown'.
Upright grey-green leaves that are supposed to turn blackish-blue during the season.
Heart-shaped intensely puckered yellow leaves that are slightly cupped and have a wavy margin. A variety from Olga Petry
Heart-shaped intensely puckered yellow leaves that are slightly cupped and have a wavy margin. A variety from Olga
Satin-green leaves with wavy, wide yellow borders that turn pure white.
Frosty yellow leaves on red petiols, interesting nice hybrid of 'Blue Cadet' and 'One Man's Treasure'.
Heart-shaped frosted lime-colored leaves with a rippled and serrated edge, white back of the leaves.
Leaves with a white centre that goes via light yellow to a dark green margin, nice sport of 'Enterprise'.
Thick light green leaves with a wide dark green border, sport of 'Anne'.
Large green leaves with deeply impressed veins, a montana type.
Blue-green leaves with a creamy-white margin. A fast growing Hosta that stays nicely compact.
Upright, long dark green leaves on intense purple red petioles.
Glossy green, wavy and twisted leaves.
Small heart-shaped green leaves, white edge, a sport of 'Tiny Tears', seems to be larger than the parent.
Cascading white leaves with a green margin. A sport of ‘Cascades’ that is supposed to grow better and larger than its pa
Cascading white leaves with a green margin. A sport of ‘Cascades’ that is supposed to grow better and larger than i
Grey-green leaves with a thin yellow margin, 'Tokudama Flavocircinalis' sport.
Blue leaves with a creamy-yellow margin that turns white. Nice introduction from Hugo with the noticeable background of
Blue leaves with a creamy-yellow margin that turns white. Nice introduction from Hugo with the noticeable backgroun
Narrow dark green leaves with a thin white edge, good grower, nakaiana is one of its parents.
Intense blue leaves.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a narrow creamy-white center.
Elongated leaves with turned up leaf edges that are heavily rippled.
Yellow, slightly wavy leaves.
Small green wavy leaves. A venusta hybrid selection with beautiful purple flowers.
Small shiny yellow leaves with a green margin, beautiful sport of 'Shiny Penny'.
Bright yellow leaves of good substance with a very wavy margin and red petioles, 'Cinnamon Sticks' x 'Tequila Sunrise' h
Bright yellow leaves of good substance with a very wavy margin and red petioles, 'Cinnamon Sticks' x 'Tequila Sunri
Sturdy and shiny creamy-yellow leaves that change to white quickly with a green border.
Rounded yellow-green leaves with a white margin, sport of 'Gold Edger' and identical to 'Olympic Edger'.
Elongated green leaves with a yellow changing to white edge, 'Crepe Suzette' hybrid.
Dark green, shiny leaves held on intens red petioles.
Thick blue-green leaves that are crinkled, cupped and folded with a wavy edge. Exciting new intro from Don Dean.
Round and wavy yellow leaves that turns greenish later, a nice seedling of 'Cinnamon Sticks' x 'Cracker Crumbs'.
Blue-green slightly cupped leaves, yellow changing to creamy margin, 'Halcyon' is one of its parents.
Cupped, dark green leaves of good substance that are upright and puckered, seedling of 'Halcyon'.
Cupped and corrugated yellow leaves. A seedling of 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' with all the good characteristics of the pare
Cupped and corrugated yellow leaves. A seedling of 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' with all the good characteristics of the
Very narrow yellowish-green leaves with an extreme ruffled margin, unusual seedling of 'Pineapple Upsidedown Cake'.
Blue-green leaves with a ruffled margin and a white back, 'Salute' x pycnophylla hybrid.