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Large green leaves with an irregular yellow margin, the stable sport of 'Baby Boomer'.
Heavily puckered yellow leaves with a very rippled margin.
Oval bright yellow leaves, good uniformly puckering of the leaf, intense coloration when grown in some sun.
Greenish-yellow leaves with a wide dark green edge, good substance, reversed sport of 'Summer Music'.
Dark green leaves with a rippled margin. The all-green sport of 'Amalia'.
Upright Hosta with cascading yellow leaves on speckled red petioles. Turns greenish-yellow over the season.
Green leaves with a heavily piecrusted pure-white margin. Beautiful new sport of ‘Amalia’.
Bright yellow changing to very pale yellow leaves with a piecrusted edge.
Chalky-blue leaves that are somewhat folded with a upright ruffled leaf margin. Holds well till late in the season.
Large, rounded yellow leaves of good substance, hybride of 'Green Piecrust' and 'Just So'.
Blue-green leaves with a wavy border of which the color is lighter green in spring.
Very thick, upright dark green leaves. Sport of 'Lost in Paradise'.
Narrow blue-green leaves with a wavy creamy-white edge, 'Swoosh' x 'Hadspen Heron' hybrid.
Corrugated bright yellow leaves with a rippled margin, greenish color later.
Large green leaves with a golden margin, very good sport of 'Daybreak'.
Pointed upright blue leaves, bright purple petioles, beautiful.
Intense blue very corrugated leaves, 'Blue Moon' hybrid with a 'Tokudama' look, one of our favourites.
Heavily corrugated dark green cupped leaves, very attractive green.
Upright, thick and puckered blue leaves with a wave in the margin. Again another fantastic blue Hosta of Don Dean.
Upright golden leaves, very sun tolerant, a hybrid between 'Royal Standard' and 'Galaxy'.
Heart-shaped blue-green leaves with an irregular yellow-green margin, a nice sport of 'Blue Boy'.
Grey-green leaves with a light yellow margin that turns white quickly. A 'Vivacious' sport with the same red petioles.
Grey-green leaves with a light yellow margin that turns white quickly. A 'Vivacious' sport with the same red petio
Upright, blue leaves of good substance with a very wavy margin. Unique blue Hosta.
Elongated blue-green leaves with a rippled creamy-yellow margin. Nice plant with an unusual apperance.
Large chartreuse colored leaves with a wide creamy-white margin, a seedling of 'Aztec Treasure'.
Creamy-white leaves that turn white with a blue-green margin, another member of the 'Blue Mouse Ears' family.
Bright golden leaves that makes a beautiful contrast with the red petioles, the 2006 AHS convention plant.
Good blue leaves, a large 'Tardiana', originally a seedling of Eric Smith named by Roger Bowden.
Shiny green leaves with a yellow center in spring, a sport of 'Invincible'.
Blue leaves with greenish-yellow margins in spring disappearing slowly through the season.
Very large rounded blue-green leaves, a 'Hadspen Blue' seedling.
Intense shiny dark green leaves, sport of 'Halcyon', one of the best Hostas.
Small green leaves on red petioles. In spring it shows a small red margin and red leaf-tips. These are OS plants and har
Small green leaves on red petioles. In spring it shows a small red margin and red leaf-tips. These are OS plants an
Large rounded shiny green leaves, a montana type.
Large, intense blue leaves that are rounded and corrugated. The rippled margin makes it a stunning new Hosta. ‘Niagara F
Large, intense blue leaves that are rounded and corrugated. The rippled margin makes it a stunning new Hosta. ‘Niag
Narrow white leaves with a green border.
Rounded green leaves with a wide white margin, sport of 'Diamond Tiara'.
Green leaves with a wide white border, large fragrant flowers, 'Seventh Heaven' sport.
Large rounded golden leaves with a green margin, sport of 'Zounds', slow grower.
Grey-green leaves with an irregular greenish-yellow center, a nice sport of 'Radiant Edger'.
Soft green changing to yellow leaves with a grey-green margin.
Large, round golden-yellow leaves that are somewhat puckered. Available plants are not big yet.
Shiny green leaves with a yellowish-white margin, 'Masquerade' x 'Invincible' hybrid.
Green leaves with a yellow-white centre with green flecks, the reversed sport of 'Dixie Chick'.
Round, somewhat shiny blue leaves. Very nice hybrid of 'Korean Snow' and 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'.
Rounded and cupped yellowish-white leaves in spring that will turn blue-green later. Interesting sport of ‘Dixie Cups’.
Rounded and cupped yellowish-white leaves in spring that will turn blue-green later. Interesting sport of ‘Dixie Cu
Round bright yellow leaves, does stay nice yellow in the shade.
Folded green leaves with a wide creamy-yellow and wavy margin.
Large rounded dark green leaves, sport of 'Sum and Substance'.
Grey-green leaves with wavy yellow borders that will change to creamy white.
Green leaves. Selected by hybridizer Jeff Moore in his attempt to create Hostas with red flowers with this step in the r
Green leaves. Selected by hybridizer Jeff Moore in his attempt to create Hostas with red flowers with this step in
Rounded and cupped green leaves that turn yellow during the season with a green margin that gets darker.
Rubbery and very glossy green leaves. A tetraploid form of plantaginea that stays more compact.
Greenish changing to golden leaves with good substance, 'Alvatine Taylor' sport.
Very thick dark green leaves on intens dark red petioles, an all-green sport of 'Volcano Island'.
Narrow green leaves with a rippled margin.
Dark green shiny leaves with a slightly rippled creamy-white margin, beautiful sport of 'Red Dragon'.
Blue-gray leaves of good substance with a nicely ruffled margin.
Long and cupped, light green leaves. 'Dream Boat' has an unusual leaf shape and form.
Narrow blue-green leaves, creamy-white margin, good grower with 'Halcyon' as one of its parents.
Dark green leaves with a yellow margin, good substance, 'Whirlwind' sport.