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Golden leaves, sport of 'June', the varieties 'May' and 'English Sunrise' are identical.
Large blue-green leaves with a yellow changing to creamy-white edge, 'Blue Angel' sport.
Large, dark-green leaves with heavily rippled margins. From the breeding program of Mark Zilis and introduced by Jeff an
Large, dark-green leaves with heavily rippled margins. From the breeding program of Mark Zilis and introduced by Je
Grey-green leaves with a narrow yellow margin.
Heart-shaped, bright yellow leaves with heavily rippled margins.
Dark-green leaves with a white center. Looks a lot like 'Risky Business' but with some green flecks in the center.
Upright, silvery-blue leaves with a wide yellow border, another superb introduction of Dan Wols. Plants we have are smal
Upright, silvery-blue leaves with a wide yellow border, another superb introduction of Dan Wols. Plants we have are
Bright yellow, wavy leaves. Beautiful new small introduction from Dan Wols.
Rounded corrugated green leaves with a dark yellow margin, 'Beatrice' hybrid.
Heart-shaped intense blue leaves, white edge, fantastic sport of 'Halcyon', good Dutch introduction.
Thick shiny green leaves, vase-shaped mound, tall flower scapes, also known as nigrescens 'Elatior'.
Elongated blue-gray leaves that are very wavy. Beautiful cross between 'Neptune' and 'Electrocution Streaked'.
Thick, yellow leaves with ruffled margins.
Dark green leaves with a narrow yellow centre in spring, 'Fortunei Albopicta' sport.
Lance-shaped blue-green leaves with a rippled margin, 'Peter Pan' x 'Green Fountain' hybrid.
Rounded and cupped, very shiny green leaves with a slighty wavy margin.
Large heart-shaped grey-green leaves, green leafed sport of 'Sagae'.
Twisted green leaves with a creamy-yellow centre in spring, a sport of a 'Tardiflora' seedling.
Heart-shaped golden leaves with a very rippled green margin, a sport of 'Emerald Island'.
Yellow leaves, green margin, sport of 'Golden Scepter' which is the all-gold sport of 'Golden Tiara'.
Narrow green leaves, beautiful red petioles and scapes, 'Emerald Carpet' seedling.
Shiny green leaves with a yellow changing to white margin, 'Neat Splash' x plantaginea hybrid.
Huge thick dark green leaves, probably the largest Hosta that exist, a hybrid of 'Big John'.
Rounded white leaves with a green margin.
Upright, yellow changing to light-green leaves with a rippled margin held on red petioles.
Light yellow changing to creamy-white leaves with a green margin, good substance, sport of 'Captain Kirk'.
Very large blue leaves, one of the largest of the sieboldiana types.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a ruffled margin, red petioles, with a pycnophylla background.
Heart-shaped, grey-green leaves with a creamy-yellow wavy border that will color to white later in the season.
Large, somewhat folded blue leaves that are slightly corrugated.
Very thick blue-green leaves with large fragrant flowers, tetraploid sport of 'Warwick Essence'.
Shiny yellow leaves with irregular wide dark-green margins.
Creamy-white centered leaves with a wide green edge, a beautiful 'Whirlwind' sport that holds its color.
Wavy blue leaves on purple red petiols. Nice new introduction.
Upright glossy dark green leaves with a yellow margin that turns creamy, a seedling of montana.
Cupped and corrugated bright yellow leaves in spring, greenish-yellow later.