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Grey-green leaves with a chalky white underside. All-green sport of 'Bamse' and a beautiful Hosta.
Large yellow leaves. All-gold sport of 'Gabriel's Wing'.
Large grey-green leaves with yellow margins.
Narrow green leaves with a greenish-yellow edge, this one has a 'Tardiflora' background.
Cupped and puckered golden leaves with a green edge, sport of 'Golden Sculpture'.
Thick blue-green puckered leaves with a golden margin, sport of 'Treasure'.
Blue-green leaves with a creamy-white margin, a hybrid with 'Halcyon' as one of its parents.
Small blue-green leaves, a rapid growing seedling of venusta and 'Dorset Blue' with the best characteristics of both par
Small blue-green leaves, a rapid growing seedling of venusta and 'Dorset Blue' with the best characteristics of bot
Thick and upright, flat blue leaves that are heavily but irregular corrugated.
Large upright and cupped blue leaves, grows into a very large clumb.
Yellowish-orange leaves with a wide dark green margin, supposed to be a sport of 'American Sweetheart' but we think it's
Yellowish-orange leaves with a wide dark green margin, supposed to be a sport of 'American Sweetheart' but we think
Firm, wavy golden leaves held on dark-red petioles. The “German” Hostas from Christina Brinkmann are tetraploid.
Misty greenish-white leaves with a blue-green margin, nice sport of 'Valentine Lace'.
Thick golden-yellow leaves. A golden 'Blue Mouse Ears' of which it is a seedling.
A seedling of 'Blue Mouse Ears' with yellow leaves. The leaves are grayish green when they appear but will color yellow
A seedling of 'Blue Mouse Ears' with yellow leaves. The leaves are grayish green when they appear but will color ye
Misty soft-green, lightly cupped leaves that turn golden yellow later in the season.
Bright yellow leaves with a ruffled margin, red petioles and white back, pycnophylla hybrid.
Green leaves with a mottled green and white margin, a sport of montana.
Upright arching green leaves, yellow heavily rippled margin, 'Iron Gate Supreme' x 'Green Fountain' hybrid.
Very large blue-green leaves of good substance with white underside of the leave.
Upright round grey-blue leaves, a 'Sagae' x sieboldiana 'Elegans'.
Large green leaves with a yellow margin that changes to white quickly. An eyecathing Hosta because of its very upright g
Large green leaves with a yellow margin that changes to white quickly. An eyecathing Hosta because of its very upri
Small heart-shaped yellow leaves that change to green.
Upright, grey-blue, later dark green leaves. The upright form and tall flowers are obvious inherited from 'White Triumph
Upright, grey-blue, later dark green leaves. The upright form and tall flowers are obvious inherited from 'White Tr
Shiny dark green leaves with a thin silvery-white margin, 'Fortunei' type.
Bright golden leaves of good substance, 'August Moon' hybrid.
Heart-shaped blue-green leaves with a green changing to yellow margin, the reversed sport of 'Paul's Glory'.
Shiny, waxy green leaves with heavily rippled margins.
Yellow, thick and narrow leaves that are very wavy. All-gold sport of 'Ripple Effect'.
Very bright yellow leaves in spring, will turn more green later in the season.
Heart-shaped golden leaves with a green margin, 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' sport, easy.
Blue corrugated leaves with a yellow margin that becomes blue later, 'Love Pat' sport.
Blue leaves with a faded greenish centre, sport of 'Halcyon', different appearance.
Green leaves with a yellow changing to creamy-white edge, looks like 'Mildred Seaver'.
Green leaves with ruffled a margin, red petioles, pycnophylla x longipes hybrid.
Thick, yellow leaves. Can be seen as the tetraploid form of 'Cheatin Heart'.
Large yellow leaves with prominent veining and heavily rippled margins. Beautiful hybrid of 'Niagara Falls'.
Large shiny golden leaves with a slightly wavy margin, good substance.
Yellow leaves of good substance, a nice seedling of 'Glory'.
Large yellow-green leaves with a blue, later dark green margin, a sieboldiana 'Elegans' sport.
Small yellow-green leaves that is totally covered with white-green flecks.
Very bright yellow wavy leaves in spring that turns greenish-yellow later.
Very thick yellow leaves. Indirectly a sport of 'Liberty' with all those good characteristics.
Upright heart-shaped yellow leaves, somewhat puckered, slow grower but worth to wait.
Upright golden-yellow leaves of good substance.
Dark golden heart-shaped leaves, 'Kabitan' hybrid without the characteristics of the parent.
Rounded green leaves with a good gold margin, fast growing easy Hosta, a nakaiana seedling.
Green leaves with a wavy yellow margin. Sport of Hosta 'Blaugold'.
Round golden leaves with a grey-green margin, 'Birchwood Parky's Gold' sport.
Very bright golden leaves in spring, greenish later, 'Fortunei Aurea' hybrid.
Rounded golden leaves, good grower, venusta x 'Little Aurora' hybrid.
Narrow golden leaves with irregular green streaks in centre, different appearance.
Rounded greenish changing to golden leaves, 'Little Aurora' x pulchella hybrid.
Corrugated, powder-blue leaves. Fast growing sieboldiana-like Hosta.
Yellow leaves with a wavy margin.
Glossy green leaves with a yellow margin that turns white later, stable sport of 'Green Marmalade'.
Green leaves with a wide yellow margin that changes to cream, a sport of 'Grand Tiara'.
Grey-green leaves with a slightly wavy margin, fantastic purple petioles and flower scapes.
Dark green leaves with an irregular wide yellow margin, sport of 'Golden Tiara'.
Roundish, upright green leaves with a yellow border.
Long-shaped, shiny green leaves held on upright red petioles. The flower are beautiful.
Thick, bright green leaves. A dense cluster of flowers that are fragrant.
Dark-green leaves with yellow and later white margins held on red petioles. Nice variety in combination with its large f
Dark-green leaves with yellow and later white margins held on red petioles. Nice variety in combination with its la
Narrow and thick, upright yellow leaves with a heavily rippled blue margin. An interesting sport of ‘Ripple Effect’.
Narrow and thick, upright yellow leaves with a heavily rippled blue margin. An interesting sport of ‘Ripple Effect’
Large cupped and corrugated leaves, one of the best sieboldiana 'Elegans' selections.
Intense blue leaves with a very white margin, a beautiful sport of 'Halcyon'.
Large bright golden leaves with a rippled margin, 'White Vision' x montana macrophylla hybrid.
Very large blue-green leaves with a creamy-yellow border.
Very large heart-shaped leaves with deeply impressed veins, montana type.
Long-shaped grey-green leaves of good substance. Plants we have are smallish.
Lance-shaped arching green leaves with a wavy edge, kikutii type.
Small green leaves, a rapid growing venusta-type of plant that comes from Rosemoor Gardens but received from Ann and Rog
Small green leaves, a rapid growing venusta-type of plant that comes from Rosemoor Gardens but received from Ann an
Cascading, slightly twisted, wavy yellow leaves with purple petioles. The leaves turn to soft-green later in the season.
Cascading, slightly twisted, wavy yellow leaves with purple petioles. The leaves turn to soft-green later in the se
Very thick dark-green leaves with wide yellowish-green borders.
Upright, shiny green leaves on intens red petioles.
Small, dark green leaves of good substance. Has to be family of 'Blue Mouse Ears'.
Oval yellow leaves with a green border, beautiful sport of 'Dawn', very fast multiplier.
Grey-green leaves on red petioles of which the red goes into the leaves, a beautiful hybrid of 'Cinnamon Sticks' and 'Gi
Grey-green leaves on red petioles of which the red goes into the leaves, a beautiful hybrid of 'Cinnamon Sticks' an
Small narrow yellow leaves, some sun for good color, probably a 'Subcrocea' hybrid.
Green changing to gold leaves with a green edge, large very fragrant flowers, 'Fragrant Bouquet' sport.
Creamy-white changing to green leaves with a blue-green margin, 'Blue Angel' sport.
Intense blue slightly wavy leaves, hardly known Benedict plant with a 'Tardiana' background, OS.
Blue-grey leaves with a rippled margin, 'Sagae' x 'Blue Piecrust' hybrid.
Green leaves with a yellow centre and white stripes, 'Striptease' sport, but a bit smaller.