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Large yellow leaves. A very nice seedling of 'Sagae'.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a gold margin, nice sport of 'Vanilla Cream'.
Thick, very corrugated big blue leaves.
Narrow golden leaves with a white edge, sport of 'Lemon Lime', identical to 'Lemon Frost'.
Huge round green leaves with a white margin. Improved sport of 'Parhelion'.
Upright, thick intense blue cupped leaves.
Heart-shaped golden leaves with a wavy green margin, 'Cheatin Heart' sport.
Long-shaped blue leaves with wavy margins.
Heart-shaped to elongated arching dark green leaves, purple petioles and scapes, probably kikutii background.
Green leaves with a strange white edge with green spots, reversed sport of 'Revolution'.
Rounded and cupped dark-green leaves that are slightly puckered.
Blue-green leaves of good substance with a yellow changing to cream margin, the stable sport of 'Brave Attempt'.
Grey-green leaves with a white margin. Cute little Hosta found by Hugo Philips at our nursery.
Shiny dark green leaves, very fast growing Hosta.
Shiny green leaves that shows a yellow center in spring.
Shiny yellow leaves, that turn green later held on red petioles. Tetraploid sport of 'Invincible Spirit' with impressive
Shiny yellow leaves, that turn green later held on red petioles. Tetraploid sport of 'Invincible Spirit' with impre
Shiny yellow leaves with very red petiols, leaves turn green later, beautiful seedling of 'Invincible'.
Very shiny dark green leaves with a wavy margin, beautiful and impressive plant.
Oval green leaves with a yellow, later creamy-white edge.
Heart-shaped green leaves, creamy-yellow edge, plantaginea x 'Tokudama Aureonebulosa' hybrid.
Incredibly thick blue-grey leaves. The tetraploid sport of 'Flemish Sky'.
Shiny green leaves of good substance with a ivory-white border. Sport of 'Oil Paint',
Narrow green leaves with a white margin, sport of 'Emerald Necklace', fast grower.
White leaves with broad blue margins. The reversed sport of ‘Blue Ivory’.