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Nice new sport of 'Little Red Rooster' with narrow green leaves and a wide yellow margin.
Dark green leaves with a creamy-white edge, sport of 'Anne'.
Bright golden leaves that are puckered and have rippled margins. Leaves are green later in the season.
Large round gold leaves, slightly wavy margin, slow grower, sieboldiana 'Semperaurea' hybrid.
Blue-green changing to gold leaves with a blue-green edge, a sport of a 'Halcyon' hybrid.
Dark green leaves with a slightly wavy golden margin, sport of 'Marilyn', a good grower.
Thick, intens blue leaves of which the margin is slightly wavy.
Long, shiny green leaves with a rippled margin. Visible red petioles because of its upright growing habit.
Very upright blue leaves of good substance that are folded inward.
Elongated yellow leaves with a very rippled margin.
Soft yellow, arching, leaves on red petioles. Leaves, petioles and scapes have all a powdery white covering.
Green leaves with a ruffled wide yellow margin, a beautiful sport of 'Squash Casserole'.
Heart-shaped golden leaves of good substance, 'Elatior' x 'Sea High Noon' hybrid.
Light green changing to yellow leaves. Fast growing, floriferous Hosta with beautiful double flowers.
Cupped and corrugated blue leaves. A monster size seedling of 'Komodo Dragon'.
Elongated green leaves with a wide yellow border that changes quickly to creamy-white.
Shiny green leaves with a wavy margin, red petioles and scaped, probably a longipes type.
Large grey-green leaves, a montana hybrid.
Green leaves with wavy margins.
Grey-green leaves with a rippled yellow margin.
Yellow leaves streaked green, correct name for 'Inaho' and tardiva aureo-striata.
Rounded chalky blue leaves, 'Halcyon' hybrid.
Dark green leaves, a 'Halcyon' hybrid.
Leaves with a white line between yellow centre and blue edge, beautiful 'Striptease' sport.
Upright large green leaf with a rippled margin, good substance.
Upright blue-grey leaves with wavy margin, vase-shaped clump.