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Very thick blue-grey leaves. A sport of ‘Mystic Mouse’ and looks like a larger and rougher ‘Blue Mouse Ears’.
Thick elongated green leaves with an unusual orange-yellow margin, 'Galaxy' x 'Hadspen Heron' hybrid.
Spade-shaped chartreuse changing to yellow leaves, good combination of the red scapes and yellow leaves.
Small heart-shaped golden leaves with a green margin. A very pretty little plant and as far we know the only sport of t
Small heart-shaped golden leaves with a green margin. A very pretty little plant and as far we know the only sport
Thick blue-grey leaves with a flaming creamy-yellow center. The leaves are more narrow than 'Catherine' of which it is a
Thick blue-grey leaves with a flaming creamy-yellow center. The leaves are more narrow than 'Catherine' of which it
Creamy-white leaves that change to soft-yellow and later blue-green. A sport of 'Blue Mouse Ears' found by Hugo Philips
Creamy-white leaves that change to soft-yellow and later blue-green. A sport of 'Blue Mouse Ears' found by Hugo Phi
Large green leaves with a yellow margin that turns white.
Dark green leaves with wide yellow changing to white margin, looks like 'Wide Brim', 'Jambeliah' hybrid.
Soft-green leaves, somewhat puckered on purple petioles.
Yellow, waxy leaves with deep red petioles and scapes.
Wavy chartreuse changing to yellow leaves, 'Gold Drop' x 'Green Piecrust' hybrid.
Green leaves with a very distinct wavy margin, a very nice seedling of longipes 'Urajiro Hachijo'.
Heart-shaped blue leaves, a fast growing sport of 'Orange Marmalade'.
Heart-shaped, fairly puckered, blue leaves with a pure white margin.
Heart-shaped white leaves with a blue-green border. Beautiful sport of 'Orange Marmalade' .
Twisted yellowish-white centered leaves with a green margin, a 'Fortunei Aoki' sport.
Leaves with a white line between yellowish-green centre and a green border. A sport of 'Striptease' that is selected for
Leaves with a white line between yellowish-green centre and a green border. A sport of 'Striptease' that is selecte
Bright golden leaves with a wavy margin on red petioles.
Chartreuse changing to yellow and/or creamy-white leaves, the veins remain darker than the rest of the leaf.
Misty white-green leaves. An interesting hybrid of the unique 'Mita-no-hana' with white flowers.
Thick twisted green leaves with a yellow center that changes to creamy-white. A sport of 'Whirlwind' that remains smalle
Thick twisted green leaves with a yellow center that changes to creamy-white. A sport of 'Whirlwind' that remains s
Blue-green leaves with a creamy-yellow margin.
Large, blue puckered leaves.
Dark green, wavy leaves with a rippled margin. Available plants are not big yet.
Very large shiny green leaves, makes an impressive clump because of its upright growing habit.
Blue-green leaves with a metallic look, sieboldiana 'Elegans' x 'Sum and Substance' hybrid.
Thick, dark green and shiny leaves. One of the better green Hostas.
Wavy and twisted shiny dark green leaves, fast growing small one with good substance, purple flower scapes.
Lance-shaped grey-green leaves, white back, kikutii x longipes hybrid, new name for 'Okazaki Special'.
Very large blue-green leaves. Looks like a 'Sum and Substance' in blue.
Round and cupped blue-green leaves with a wide yellow margin.
Huge heavily corrugated blue-green leaves, semi upright, 'Herb Benedict' x 'Sagae' hybrid.
Very shiny dark-green leaves with a ruffled margin.
Shiny green leaves with an irregular yellow margin, sport of plantaginea.
Wavy, thick, blue-green leaves with a wide yellowish-white margin. A sport of 'Mighty Mouse'.
Large, upright grey-blue leaves with a yellow margin. Impressive big Hosta that has the looks of the perfect combination
Large, upright grey-blue leaves with a yellow margin. Impressive big Hosta that has the looks of the perfect combin
Large heart-shaped green leaves that has a wide and variable creamy-yellow border. The border is also very wavy.
Narrow and wavy, glossy dark-green leaves with a narrow yellow margin.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a creamy margin, stable sport of 'William Lachman'.
Large green leaves, slightly puckered and provided with a rippled margin.
Dark green leaves with a wide white margin.
Small greyish-green leaves. The smallest in the 'tini' series of Mark Zilis.
Ruffled green leaves with deep veins, an unusual hybrid of 'Precisely' and yingeri.
Shiny green leaves on red petioles, the red goes into the leaf, a 'Katsuragawa Beni' hybrid.
Large dark green leaves with a wide yellow edge that turns creamy-white by summer.
Rounded blue leaves with a wavy margin, has got branched flower scapes.
Round green cupped and puckered leaves, 'August Moon' x 'Tokudama' hybrid.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a yellow margin, the first Hosta that appears in spring.
Thick, intense blue leaves of good substance, looks like a 'Tardiana' and forms quickly a nice clumb.
Heart-shaped chartreuse-yellow leaves with a wide border. First introduced as 'Tupelo Honey' but that Hosta name already
Heart-shaped chartreuse-yellow leaves with a wide border. First introduced as 'Tupelo Honey' but that Hosta name al
Blue-green leaves, yellow changing to white margin, 'Crepe Suzette' x 'Blue Moon' hybrid.
Mostly yellow leaves with a narrow green center, a sport of 'Velvet Moon' with less green.
Green changing to gold leaves with a white edge, 'Gold Standard' sport, some sun for good color.
Grey-green shiny leaves, great substance especially for a fragrant Hosta.
Puckered green leaves with a yellow margin. A seedling of 'Dorothy Benedict'.
Lance-shaped creamy-white centered leaves with a blue edge, beautiful 'Dress Blues' sport.
Bright golden leaves changing to a soft yellowish-green, held on red petioles.
Green leaves with a wide creamy-white border.
Grey-green leaves with a lighter center that is surrounded by a white line. A smaller sport of 'Kiwi Full Monty' with di
Grey-green leaves with a lighter center that is surrounded by a white line. A smaller sport of 'Kiwi Full Monty' wi
Blue-grey leaves with a creamy-yellow margin, interesting 'Mikawa-no-yuki' streaked x 'Blue Jay' hybrid.
Thick, round blue leaves with a thin white margin. Sport of ‘Danish Mouse’.
Blue-green leaves with a wavy yellow margin.
Blue-green leaves with white edges. Sport of 'Solar Mouse' which comes from 'Funny Mouse'.
Creamy-white leaves in spring with veins that turn darker through the season to end up totally grey-green. Interesting d
Creamy-white leaves in spring with veins that turn darker through the season to end up totally grey-green. Interest
Blue-green leaves with a wavy white margin. Sport of 'Mouse Madness'.
Large heart-shaped green leaves, probably a large montana selection.
Powdery blue leaves on purple-red petioles. A outstanding variety.
Yellow-green heart-shaped leaves with a very wavy edge, minor is one of its parents.
Dark green leaves with a white margin, good growing small Hosta.
Narrow, upright bright yellow leaves. Good grower.
Yellowish-green leaves with a creamy-white margin, a hybrid of 'Sea Prize' and 'Maekawa'.
Thick blue-green leaves with a creamy-white margin, 'Dorothy Benedict' x 'Chirifu' hybrid.
Small, heart-shaped green leaves with yellow border. Nice sport of 'Silver Threads and Gold Needles'.
Upright, pointed powdery blue leaves with a rippled margin held on purple petioles.