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Intensive blue leaves with a wavy margin.
Small round leaves with a misty-white center and a grey-green border.
Heart-shaped yellow leaves with a dark green margin, good sport of 'Glory'.
Blue leaves with a golden margin, the best replacement for 'Frances Williams'.
Dark green leaves with a green spotted wide white edge, a beautiful 'Pathfinder' sport.
Thick yellowish-green leaves with a wide blue border, a beautiful sport of 'Katherine Lewis'.
Dark green leaves with red of the petioles that goes into the leaf, longipes f. hypoglauca hybrid.
Elongated bright golden leaves with a wavy margin, turns greenish-yellow later, reddish petioles.
Light green leaves with a creamy-white border, good substance for a little Hosta, 'Flamboyant' hybrid.
Blue-green leaves, orange-yellow centre in spring changing to white, 'Paul's Glory' sport.
Very thick orange-yellow leaves with a wide intense dark green margin. Beautiful new sport of 'June Fever'.
Large heart-shaped dark green leaves with a wide creamy margin, a 'Pin Stripe' x montana f. macrophylla hybrid.
White leaves with many, irregular green flecks. Can be seen as a miniature version of ‘Allegan Fog’ of which it is a see
White leaves with many, irregular green flecks. Can be seen as a miniature version of ‘Allegan Fog’ of which it is
Long-shaped powdery-blue leaves with creamy-white border.