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Shiny oval green leaves, tall flower scapes.
Thick green leaves with a wide greenish-yellow margin, a 'Radiant Edger' sport.
Shiny, slightly puckered golden leaves, green margin, 'Abiqua Recluse' sport, very good Hosta. Sometimes produce green s
Shiny, slightly puckered golden leaves, green margin, 'Abiqua Recluse' sport, very good Hosta. Sometimes produce gr
Large dark green leaves with a good yellow edge, reversed sport of 'On Stage'.
Narrow yellow leaves with a wavy green margin, turns green later, 'Weihenstephan' sport.
Large heart-shaped powdery-blue leaves with a wide yellow margin, beautiful sport of 'Great Expectations'.
Shiny dark green leaves with a slightly lighter center, a 'Devon Green' sport.
Thick blue leaves with a green changing to gold centre, good 'Paul's Glory' sport.
Blue leaves with a blue-green centre changing to yellow and finally white, 'Halcyon' sport.
Thick blue corrugated leaves, makes an impressive clump, the all-blue sport of 'Paradise Glory'.
Small wavy somewhat twisted green leaves, easy growing, venusta hybrid.
Large yellowish-green leaves. The all-gold sport of 'Tobacco Road'.
Heart-shaped blue-green leaves changing to yellowish-white in some sun, 'Paradise Joyce' sport.
Green changing to yellow leaves, yellow changing to white margin, 'Gold Standard' sport.
Heart-shaped dark green leaves with a yellow margin, nice sport of 'Hydon Sunset'.
Green leaves with a margin that does change to yellow that remains yellow, the reversed sport of 'Guacamole'.
Long-shaped dark-green leaves with fantastic dark flowers. 'Cherry Tomato' sport.
Shiny yellow leaves with green leaf veins and a green margin, sport of 'Maya Tritone'.
Large green leaves with a narrow white margin, a 'Sum and Substance' sport.
Long and narrow, heavily rippled yellow leaves.
Blue-green leaves with a slightly wavy yellow margin that turns to creamy-white later in the season.
White centered leaves with some green spots and green margin, good 'Francee' sport.
Dark green leaves with an extremely wide white margin, good substance, sport of 'Francee'.
Very thick blue leaves with soft yellowish-green margins.Beautiful Hosta!
Heart-shaped green changing to golden leaves, blue-green margin, one of the best Hostas.
Bright yellow and puckered leaves.
Green leaves with a yellow border that quickly changes to white.
Large round, dark green leaves that are extremly puckered.
Elongated yellow leaves with a green margin.
Elongated grey-greeun leaves with rippled margins. Upright growing and showy purple petioles.
Upright green, twisted leaves with ruffled borders.
Upright green leaves with a yellow changing to creamy-white margin.
Very dark green slightly cupped leaves, a beautiful seedling of 'Green Sleeve'.
Heart-shaped glossy green leaves with a heavily rippled margin and twisted tip.
Round, grey-green leaves that are puckered, cupped and of good substance.
Blue leaves with lightly ruffled edges, thick wax coating, a 'Tardiana' x a white backed longipes hybrid.
Green leaves with a wavy margin, good substance, 'Riptide' hybrid, late flowering.
Wavy yellow leaves that are held on red petioles and make an upright clump. Combines best characteristics of both parent
Wavy yellow leaves that are held on red petioles and make an upright clump. Combines best characteristics of both p
Rounded blue, heavily puckered leaves. The all-blue sport of 'Pablo Picasso' and combines basically the best of 'Big Dad
Rounded blue, heavily puckered leaves. The all-blue sport of 'Pablo Picasso' and combines basically the best of 'Bi
Shiny, dark-green leaves.
Green leaves with a wide yellow margin that is changing to white.
Green leaves with a fine white margin. Available plants are not big yet.
Long shaped, wavy yellow leaves with wide blue-green borders. A sport of 'Pineapple Upsidedown Cake' that looks very sim
Long shaped, wavy yellow leaves with wide blue-green borders. A sport of 'Pineapple Upsidedown Cake' that looks ver
Bright yellow, glossy, leaves with green margins held on deep-red petioles.
Creamy-white leaves with a powdery blue-green margin, an elegant sport of 'Kiwi Full Monty'.
Green, puckered leaves with a golden edge. Fine sport of 'Centerfold'.
Heart-shaped dark green leaves with a wide creamy-white margin, a 'Pinstripe' seedling.
Blue-green slightly puckered and cupped leaves with a creamy-yellow margin.
Blue, folded leaves that are held upright.
Heart-shaped shiny green leaves, also known as plantaginea 'Grandiflora', needs warmth to flower.
Round-shaped yellow leaves with a white margin, 'Golden Scepter' sport.
Arching steel-blue leaves at light-purple colored petiols. Probably a 'Deane's Dream' seedling.
Rounded and puckered yellow leaves with a wide green margin. A sport of 'Rainforest Sunrise'.
Small blue-green leaves with a yellow border. Sport found at our nursery.
Very upright, long and narrow, wavy dark green leaves on red petioles.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a white center, a 'Striptease' sport that does look like 'Risky Business' and 'White Biki
Heart-shaped green leaves with a white center, a 'Striptease' sport that does look like 'Risky Business' and 'White
Arching, pointed dark green leaves with a ruffled margin held on good red petioles.
Thick cupped and puckered white leaves with a wide green margin.
Tiny heart-shaped grey-green leaves, slightly wavy margin, one of the best small Hostas.
Shiny green leaves with a yellow margin that turns white. Related to 'Aphrodite' and has the same double white fragrant
Shiny green leaves with a yellow margin that turns white. Related to 'Aphrodite' and has the same double white frag
Upright shiny dark green leaves of good substance, 'Blue Umbrellas' x 'Treasure Island' hybrid.
Heart-shaped to rounded puckered thick blue leaves, seedling of Japanese origin.
Leathery bright yellow leaves with a powdery white look, purple dotted petioles, color unlike others.
Soft powdery-blue, gently cupped leaves, a nice seedling of 'Blue Jay' with a distinctive color.
Green changing to yellow wavy leaves with a wide green border.
Narrow upright folded green leaves with a creamy margin, a very special and unique Hosta.
Slightly shiny dark green leaves with a yellow changing to creamy-white margin.
Very large blue-green leaves, sieboldiana 'Elegans' x montana hybrid, stunning flowers.
Thick, lance-shaped green leaves with a yellow margin that changes to white. The tetraploid sport of 'Dragon Warrior'.
Thick, lance-shaped green leaves with a yellow margin that changes to white. The tetraploid sport of 'Dragon Warrio
Very thick and shiny dark-green leaves with a yellow margin. The tetraploid sport of ‘Secret Treasure’.
Very thick blue leaves. A sport of 'Icicle' and can be seen as the tetroploid form of sieboldiana 'Elegans'.
Heart-shaped yellowish-green leaves with a blue margin, a 'Blue Wedgwood' sport.
Narrow golden leaves, beautiful purple-red flower scapes, fast grower, 'Wogon' x 'Undulata' hybrid.
Green leaves on dark red petioles, the red of the petioles goes into the leaves.
Somewhat in-between heart-shaped and elongated intense blue leaves. Cupped and wavy and one of the best smaller blue one
Somewhat in-between heart-shaped and elongated intense blue leaves. Cupped and wavy and one of the best smaller blu
Heart-shaped green leaves, wavy margin, white back of the leaves, arching flowers.