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Shiny, dark green leaves with a thin creamy-white margin.
Grey-green leaves, wavy yellow margin, correct name for fluctuans 'Variegated', beautiful.
Very bright yellow leaves with a white margin, will be greener later, 'Sea Fire' sport.
Heart-shaped yellowish-green leaves. Good substance for a little Hosta.
Upright blue-green leaves with a wavy margin, different appearance.
Very blue, puckered leaves. One of Don Dean's best big blue ones in our opinion.
Heart-shaped dark green leaves with a yellow margin, beautiful sport of 'Piedmont Gold'.
Pointed, lance-shaped, intens blue leaves.
Somewhat shiny, yellow leaves on red petioles. An unknown variety that becomes finally available.
Thick blue-green leaves with a wide, wavy yellow margin. A sport of 'Church Mouse'. The margin needs some time to get ye
Thick blue-green leaves with a wide, wavy yellow margin. A sport of 'Church Mouse'. The margin needs some time to g
Heart-shaped greenish-yellow leaves with a white margin, of unknown parentage.
Green changing to yellow leaves with a white margin, 'Neat Splash' hybrid.
Yellow leaves of good substance with a wavy margin and deeply impressed veins.
Dark green leaves, good substance, 'Whirlwind' sport, really one of the best green Hostas.
Dark green, shiny leaves with a yellow border. A fantastic sport of 'One Man's Treasure'.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a yellowish-green margin, centre and margin are divided by a white line.
Long, arching yellowish-green leaves with a light-yellow turning white margin. Intense purple-red petioles.
Green changing to yellow leaves with a green margin, good sport of 'August Moon'.
Golden yellow leaves with a heavily rippled margin. Very successful attempt to get the best characteristics in one varie
Golden yellow leaves with a heavily rippled margin. Very successful attempt to get the best characteristics in one
Green leaves, yellow edge, changing to yellow leaves with a white edge, stable form of 'Flamboyant'.
Rounded and thick blue leaves with soft-green margins. Beautiful sport of 'Dorset Blue'.
Heart-shaped yellowish-white leaves with an irregular dark green margin, a seedling of 'Francee'.
Pointed dark green leaves with a creamy-yellow margin, heavy substance, a 'William Lachman' seedling.
Narrow and upright intense blue leaves, a beautiful 'Tardiana'.
Yellowish-green leaves with a wavy margin. The darker veins makes this Hosta stand out. The darker veins makes this Hos
Yellowish-green leaves with a wavy margin. The darker veins makes this Hosta stand out. The darker veins makes thi
Long, pointed green leaves with a rippled margin.
Powdery, intense blue leaves with a wide yellow margin that turns white quickly. This time a somewhat smaller creation f
Powdery, intense blue leaves with a wide yellow margin that turns white quickly. This time a somewhat smaller creat
Light green slightly twisted leaves with a wavy margin, red petiols, flat spreading mound.
Shiny green leaves. A sport of 'Moonlight Sonata' that lost its wax.
Slightly shiny dark green leaves with a wide white margin, nice Hosta.
Large rounded corrugated blue leaves, one of the best and well-known Hostas.
Intense blue leaves, keeps its good color through the season, nice Hosta.
Long and narrow blue-green leaves with lots of ruffles in the leaf margin.
Cupped and corrugated intense silvery-blue leaves, a 'Blue Moon' hybrid.
Thick, round blue leaves. Can be seen as the giant version of 'Blue Mouse Ears'.
Intense blue powdery leaves. One of the blueest in our collection.
Twisted dark green leaves with a white changing to green centre, good substance.
Round powdery blue leaves, a nice cross between 'Maekawa' and 'Blue Moon'.
Arching silver-blue leaves with a rippled margin. A very nice new introduction from Ron Livingston.
Green changing to yellow leaves with a unique green-white center, sport of 'Stolen Kiss'.
Lance-shaped, intens blue leaves.
10 Plants of Hosta ‘Silver Wedding’ perfect for groundcover or edging. (original price 40 Euro).
Large blue leaves with creamy-yellow borders that slowly turn white.
Thick intense blue leaves, nice name but not better or worse than another 'Tardiana'.
Heart-shaped puckered very blue leaves with a wavy margin, a seedling from 'Trail's End'.
Round blue-green leaves with a yellow changing to cream margin, a 'Blue Umbrellas' sport.
Blue-green leaves. One of Van Wade's 'Indian Series' that is unknown for us.
Thick and puckered, yellowish-green leaves with a wide green border.
Large rounded blue and puckered leaves, good selection of sieboldiana.
Blue-grey leaves with a nice wavy margin, 'Paradise Red Delight' is one of its parents.
Thick heart-shaped powdery blue leaves. Considered as one of the best blues and beloved by many Hosta-hybridizers.
Firm, steel-blue leaves with a wavy margin on purple petioles. A really fantastic plant with all the good characteristic
Firm, steel-blue leaves with a wavy margin on purple petioles. A really fantastic plant with all the good character
Heart-shaped blue leaves with a creamy-yellow margin, a 'Halcyon' sport, different from 'First Frost'.
Blue-green wavy leaves, fast growing little one that makes a compact mound.
Blue-green leaves with a wavy greenish-yellow margin that changes to white. A sport of 'Frosted Mouse Ears'.
Elongated and vertical intense blue leaves, a good 'Salute' x 'Carolina Blue' hybrid.
Pointed green leaves with a heavily rippled margin.
Grey-green leaves that are deeply cupped and heavily corugated.
Narrow, dark green wavy leaves with serrated edges and curled tips held on purple petioles.
Thick, dark-green leaves with a light-yellow border that turns creamy.
Heart-shaped grey-green leaves with a wide dark yellow margin. In more sun the leaves develops a white line between cent
Heart-shaped grey-green leaves with a wide dark yellow margin. In more sun the leaves develops a white line between
Large blue leaves with a golden margin. Finally after so many years a sport of 'Snowden'.
Large heart-shaped green leaves with a rippled white margin, 'Elata' sport.
Upright blue-green leaves, fantastic Hosta, 'Fortunei Aurea' x sieboldiana hybrid.
Thick rounded blue-green leaves with a yellow margin that turns cream, tetraploid sport of 'Veronica Lake'.
Shiny green leaves with a yellow edge, fast grower, 'Fragrant Bouquet' is one the parents.
Silvery-blue wavy leaves. Another stunning blue introduction from Don Dean.
Round grey-green leaves with a wavy margin, 'Blue Umbrellas' x plantaginea.
Dark green leaves with a creamy margin that changes to white.
Heart-shaped, soft green, puckered leaves.
Very large blue grey leaves that have a slightly wavy margin.
Green leaves with a piecrusted and serrated yellow edge, nice sport of 'Sea Gulf Stream'.
Large rounded green leaves surrounded by a wide white margin, a 'Herb Benedict' x 'Elatior' hybrid.
Rounded blue leaves with a wide yellow border that turns to creamy-white at a position with more light.
Puckered apple-green leaves with a creamy-yellow border, somewhat unruly, good grower.
Grey-white leaves in spring that turn slowly green later in the season.
Heart-shaped soft-blue leaves of good substance, one of the Longianas as the originator tells us.
Green changing to yellow leaves, heavily rippled margin, 'Hirao Elite' x 'August Moon' hybrid.
Upright blue-green leaves with a wide, flamed creamy-yellow border.
Golden leaves, green margin, this sport of 'Guacamole' shows its variegation earlier than its parent.
Heart-shaped blue-green leaves with a creamy-yellow border.
Upright yellowish-green leaves with a irregular wide blue margin, an interesting sport of 'June'.
Upright and wavy yellow leaves.
Large heart-shaped, slightly wavy green leaves with a greenish-yellow margin, a sport of 'Stardust'.
Wavy, powdery-blue leaves.
Yellow leaves with an irregular green margin, sport of 'Sunlight Sister'.
Upright green and twisted leaves on reddish-black petioles.
Blue leaves with a yellow margin, beautiful 'Breeder's Choice' x 'Blue Shadows' hybrid.
Intens blue leaves with a wavy margin. For years only available for new members of the AHS.
Narrow green leaves with a rippled yellow margin, very fast growing groundcover.
Heart-shaped dark green leaves with a heavily rippled margin.
Thick dark green leaves with a white flamed center. A sport of ‘Anne’ that looks similar like ‘Americana’.
Upright green leaves with a wavy margin, excellent cross of kikutii x montana.
Upright green leaves with a very rippled margin hold on red petioles and a white back of the leaf.
Very bright yellow leaves with intense red petioles, morningsun is needed but too much sun does make it burn quickly, be
Very bright yellow leaves with intense red petioles, morningsun is needed but too much sun does make it burn quickl
Heart-shaped grey-green leaves with a wide yellow margin that turns quickly to creamy-white. The petioles are pinkish-re
Heart-shaped grey-green leaves with a wide yellow margin that turns quickly to creamy-white. The petioles are pinki
Long and narrow frosty blue, rippled leaves. The flat growth in a rosette gives it a special and stunning appearance.
Long and narrow frosty blue, rippled leaves. The flat growth in a rosette gives it a special and stunning appearanc
Leaves with a white line between yellow centre and green border, unusual sport of 'Gold Standard'.
Thick, slightly puckered intense blue leaves with a wavy border.
Heart-shaped yellowish-green leaves with ruffled margins.
Shiny dark green leaves with a yellow changing to white margin, beautiful sport of 'Invincible'.
Elongated, intense blue leaves are held on dark purple petioles. Blue seedling with unknown background can be compared t
Elongated, intense blue leaves are held on dark purple petioles. Blue seedling with unknown background can be compa
Upright dark-green leaves on purple-red petioles. Already introduced in 2011 as one of the best purple-red petioles and
Upright dark-green leaves on purple-red petioles. Already introduced in 2011 as one of the best purple-red petioles
Rounded dark green leaves with a narrow yellow border that is cupped and puckered. Sport of 'Sweet Sunshine'.
Pointed blue leaves with a very wavy yellow margin that turns creamy-white quickly. A beautiful new introduction from Hu
Pointed blue leaves with a very wavy yellow margin that turns creamy-white quickly. A beautiful new introduction fr
Very large greenish-yellow leaves, will be all-gold in sun, one of the largest Hostas.
Very large greenish-yellow leaves with subtle green margin, sun is needed for showing the green margin, 'Sum and Substan
Very large greenish-yellow leaves with subtle green margin, sun is needed for showing the green margin, 'Sum and Su
Very large green leaves with a thin yellow margin, sport of 'Sum and Substance'.
Very large dark-green leaves.
Yellowish-white centered leaves, yellowish-green margin, some morning sun for good growth.
Heart-shaped golden leaves with a green margin, sport of 'Piedmont Gold'.
Very large yellow leaves with a green margin.
Small elongated shiny yellow leaves with a leathery substance, red petioles.
Large heart-shaped bright gold leaves, supposed to be a sport of 'Elata'.
Upright yellow leaves on red petioles.
Heartshaped yellow leaves that take a fair amount of sun.
Round, puckered and thick yellow leaves with a wide dark green margin. Sport of 'Rainforest Sunrise' and probably tetrap
Round, puckered and thick yellow leaves with a wide dark green margin. Sport of 'Rainforest Sunrise' and probably t
Small green leaves with a rippled margin.
Rounded yellow leaves in spring that turn light-green later in the season. Lehel Kosá named this introduction for his wi
Rounded yellow leaves in spring that turn light-green later in the season. Lehel Kosá named this introduction for h
Large heart-shaped to round bright golden leaves, slow grower but eventually a very large clumb.
Yellow leaves with a slightly wavy margin on fiery red petioles.
Folded, elongated blue leaves with a wavy margin. Available plants are not big yet.
Rounded yellow leaves with a green margin, fast grower, nice sport of 'Birchwood Parky's Gold'.
Cupped and puckered yellow leaves, heavy substance, unusual 'Tokudama' hybrid with fragrant flowers.
Shiny and wavy yellow leaves, white margin, 'Fragrant Bouquet' x 'Fragrant Candelabra' hybrid.
Long en narrow green leaves with a wavy yellow border that turns white. Rapid grower but plants we have are still small.
Long en narrow green leaves with a wavy yellow border that turns white. Rapid grower but plants we have are still s