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Gigantic green leaves, montana f. macrophylla x 'Big John' hybrid, needs a lot of room.
Arching yellow leaves with ruffled margins held on tall petiols.
Long and narrow blue-green pointed leaves.
Upright green leaves with deeply impressed veins, very tall flower scapes, rectifolia hybrid.
Grey-green leaves with a creamy-white margin, red petioles, good substance.
Blue-green leaves with a yellow changing to creamy margin, very nice sport of 'Pastures New'.
Very thick green leaves with an irregular white margin, 'Electrum Stater' sport with green center.
Very blue leaves. A cross between two fantastic blue Hostas which are 'Powderpuff' and 'Skylight'.
Incredible thick yellow leaves that turn creamy-white later in the season.
Thick grey-green leaves with a wide yellowish-green border. Hybrid from Jeff Moore's tetraploid project.
Narrow green leaves with a yellow ruffled margin, nice sport of 'Dragon Tails' found at our nursery.
Dark green cupped and somewhat corrugated leaves with a creamy margin.
Shiny green leaves with a heavily rippled yellow margin that changes to cream as the season progresses. A nice sport of
Shiny green leaves with a heavily rippled yellow margin that changes to cream as the season progresses. A nice spor
Heart-shaped blue leaf with a white center that slowly turns green during the growing season. A sport of 'Halcyon'.
Cupped and heavily folded blue leaves of good substance that are intensely wavy.
Small rounded and cupped green leaves, 'Birchwood Parky's Gold' x 'Golden Tiara' hybrid, rapid grower.
Blue leaves with a yellow margin, 'English Sunrise' sport, so in fact the reversed 'June'.
Very thick yellow leaves that are rugose, contorted and wavy.
Upright powdery blue-green leaves, not much difference than nigrescens, tall flower scapes.
Very large, rounded blue leaves with a yellowish-green border. Superior to the similar classic 'Frances Williams' in hav
Very large, rounded blue leaves with a yellowish-green border. Superior to the similar classic 'Frances Williams' i
Grey-green leaves with a wide creamy-white margin, stable sport of 'Sally and Bob'.
Yellowish green leaves. Center turns green and edge remains yellowish-green later.
Dark green leaves with a narrow yellowish-green margin that turns white later, a sport of 'Dust Devil'.
Blue leaves with a creamy white margin. Plants we sell are still smallish.
.Golden leaves that keep their golden color really well through the season. Impressive plant of unknown background.
Bright golden leaves with rippled margin that changes to licht green later. The largest bright yellow in spring.
Long-shaped, glossy green leaves with a rippled yellow border. Nice sport of "classic" 'Green Fountain'.
Grey-green leaves with a yellow margin, good substance, sport of 'Green Wedge'.
Shiny green leaves, special are the sometimes branched flower scapes in September.
Greenish-yellow leaves with a dark green margin, good substance, sport of 'Gold Drop'.
Bright yellow leaves that turn yellowish-green later, red petiols and also a red tip of the leaf.
Elongated, powdery blue leaves.
Shiny apple-green leaves surrounded by dark green borders.
Narrow, twisted, thick blue-grey leaves. Nice hybrid of 'Corkscrew' x 'June'.
Greenish-yellow leaves but bright yellow in spring with a wavy and rippled margin. The purple flower buds on red scapes
Greenish-yellow leaves but bright yellow in spring with a wavy and rippled margin. The purple flower buds on red sc
Thick dark green leaves with a wide yellowish-green margin.
Small blue leaves. One of the smallest with good blue leaves.
Very thick, intense blue leaves with a ruffled margin, one of our favourite new Hostas.
Upright grey-green leaves with a nice white margin, 'Krossa Regal' sport.
Round, yellow leaves on red petioles. Supposed to be the largest golden Hosta with red petioles with ‘Key West’ as one o
Round, yellow leaves on red petioles. Supposed to be the largest golden Hosta with red petioles with ‘Key West’ as
Small, slightly wavy green leaves, a Japanese venusta seedling named by us.
Narrow, shiny dark-green leaves with rippled margins. Very floriferous.
Upright, shiny dark green twisted leaves, a hybrid of 'Iwa' and a 'Blue Blush' seedling.
Blue leaves with a wide yellow margin, 'Tokudama Flavocircinalis' sport, supposed to have a better yellow edge.
Shiny yellow leaves that are dimpled and ruffled on red petioles.
Shiny dark green leaves with a yellow margin, good red petioles.
Small blue-green leaves, 'Blue Cadet' x venusta hybrid.
Thick blue leaves with a narrow golden centre, very attractive tetraploid sport of 'June'.
Rubbery-like blue leaves, sport of 'Touch of Class', found at our nursery.
Rounded blue-green leaves with a greenish-yellow margin, sport of 'Blue Cadet', fast grower.
Heart-shaped green leaves, wide white margin, 'Francee' sport, very similar to 'Patriot'.
Green leaves with a yellow border, sport of 'Kiwi Gold Rush'.
Heart-shaped grey-green leaves with a wide, rippled yellow margin that turns creamy-white.
Very large soft green leaves with a thin yellow margin that is heavily rippled.
Pale green leaves with a yellow margin, later green leaves with a whtite margin.
Narrow green leaves with an irregular yellow edge, stable form of 'Tsugaru Komachi'.
Grey-green leaves with a rippled margin, 'Donahue Piecrust' x pycnophylla hybrid.
Grey-green leaves with a lighter green-yellow center. Sport of 'Ambrosia'.
Thick dark green leaves with a wide golden border, fine sport of 'Fortunei Aureomarginata'.
Large, dimpled blue leaves of heavy substance with a greenish-yellow margin that brightens in some light. Superb reverse
Large, dimpled blue leaves of heavy substance with a greenish-yellow margin that brightens in some light. Superb re
Small, narrow blue leaves that are slightly wavy.
Almost round puckered and twisted green leaves.
Long-shaped, wavy and twisted shiny green leaves held on dark-red petioles.
Narrow yellow leaves with a green margin, nice sport of 'Lemon Lime', very floriferous.
Upright, blue-green twisted leaves.
Twisted white leaves with a green margin. A sport of 'Kiwi Spearmint'.