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Lance-shaped wavy bright golden leaves of good substance, greenish later, 'Kifukurin Ubatake' hybrid.
Large, soft-green leaves with a ruffled margin. Cross between pycnophylla and 'Empress Wu' showing characteristics of bo
Large, soft-green leaves with a ruffled margin. Cross between pycnophylla and 'Empress Wu' showing characteristics
Yellow leaves with wavy margin that shows the red of the petioles into the leaves. Another beautiful "Valley" that green
Yellow leaves with wavy margin that shows the red of the petioles into the leaves. Another beautiful "Valley" that
Yellow leaves with a ruffled margin. Another briljant introduction from Jeroen's Hosta Valley. Plants we have are small.
Yellow leaves with a ruffled margin. Another briljant introduction from Jeroen's Hosta Valley. Plants we have are s
Bright yellow leaves with wavy margin. Fantastic yellow pycnophylla hybrid.
Yellow, slightly wavy and corrugated leaves with a rippled margin. Held on deep red petioles.
Powdery-blue leaves. A fantastic introduction of Jeroen Linneman with the best qualities of both parents that are a Va
Powdery-blue leaves. A fantastic introduction of Jeroen Linneman with the best qualities of both parents that are
Pointed blue leaves with a beautiful yellow margin that changes to creamy-white. Sport of 'Deane's Dream'.
Bright yellow, pointed leaves with heavily rippled borders held on intense red petioles. Turns light green later in the
Bright yellow, pointed leaves with heavily rippled borders held on intense red petioles. Turns light green later in
Thick, dark-green leaves with a wavy margin. Dark-red petioles. Plants available are smallish.
Small white leaves with dark green borders.
Arching green leaves with a white margin. Sport of 'Red October'.
Larg blue leaves with rippled margins. Showing the best of the two parents 'Neptune' and ' Blue Mammoth'. Available plan
Larg blue leaves with rippled margins. Showing the best of the two parents 'Neptune' and ' Blue Mammoth'. Available
Blue leaves with a wavy white margin. Sport of 'Venetian Blue'.
Heart-shaped dark green leaves, slightly wavy, with plantaginea the only two species from China.
Green leaves with a yellow changing to white margin, beautiful bell-shaped flowers.
Shiny green leaves, plantaginea selection with double-double flowers, warm spot for good flowers.
Small green leaves, several types around, very floriferous, good grower.
Small green leaves with a yellow edge, the correct name is probably 'Kifukurin Otome'.
Small green leaves, slightly wavy. Our favorite of the venusta selections.
Small yellow leaves, green margin in spring, all-green by mid-July, good growing variegated venusta.
Small rounded green leaves, identical to 'Thumb Nail', nice but not really different.
Rounded blue-green leaves with a yellow margin, a very good sport of 'Pearl Lake'.
Large shiny green leaves with a yellow margin, nice sport of 'Elatior', one of the largest variegated Hostas.
Puckered, round grey-green leaves with a very wide creamy-white border.
Very huge oval to nearly round blue-green leaves, light ruffled edges, a seedling of 'Komodo Dragon'.
Upright shiny grey-green leaves, good purple scapes and fantastic flowers, the best introduction of Heinz Klose.
Narrow, pointed blue leaves with a yellow edge that turns to cream.
Blue leaves with heavily rippled creamy-yellow margin.
Thick yellowish-green leaves with a wide dark-green border, the upright leaves do show the red petioles very well, the r
Thick yellowish-green leaves with a wide dark-green border, the upright leaves do show the red petioles very well,
Creamy-white leaves, green margin, greenish-yellow streaks along interior margins, sport of 'Captain Kirk'.