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Long narrow leaves that are intensely rippled and serrated, rapid grower, interesting for hybridising.
Rounded intense blue leaves, a slow growing, but very nice 'Tardiana'.
10 plants of Hosta 'Hadspen Blue' and can be used as groundcover.
Very bright yellow wavy leaves in spring that turns greenish-yellow later.
White leaves with a green margin, the centre of the leaves becomes speckled green and white.
Heart-shaped intense blue leaves, an easy growing 'Tardiana', one of the best Hostas that exist.
Upright, elongated blue-green leaves with wavy margins held on pinkish-red petioles. Available plants are not big yet.
Upright, elongated blue-green leaves with wavy margins held on pinkish-red petioles. Available plants are not big y
Long, pointed shiny green leaves.
Heart-shaped dark green leaves, white border, ('Banana Sundae' x 'Sea Drift') x 'Blue Shadows' hybrid.
Very thick upright dark green leaves with a good visable yellow margin, good tetraploid sport of 'Praying Hands'.
Very large grey-blue leaves with a white border. Sport of ‘Wunderbar’ and therefore can be seen as a white-edged ‘Empres
Very large grey-blue leaves with a white border. Sport of ‘Wunderbar’ and therefore can be seen as a white-edged ‘E
Heart-shaped green leaves with a yellow margin, good substance, sport of 'Sun Glow'.
Long-shaped waxy blue leaves.
Thick dark-green leaves with a thin red edge most of the season.
Green leaves, green margin that changes to creamy-white, centre turns also lighter, 'Striptease' sport.
White leaves with a wide blue-green margin. Sport of 'Andrew' but a better grower.
Thick, dark green leaves. Big, fragrant pale lavender flowers on tall scapes.
Green leaves with a wavy thin white margin, good substance, looks like a rupifraga type of plant
Yellowish-orange leaves that turns creamy white with a irregular bluish-green margin, a sport of 'Orange Marmalade' with
Yellowish-orange leaves that turns creamy white with a irregular bluish-green margin, a sport of 'Orange Marmalade'
Greyish-green leaves, white back, beautiful red petioles, longipes f. hypoglauca x 'Maruba Iwa' hybrid.
Dark green leaves with a wavy margin and good substance, probably a nakaiana type.
Wavy, thick golden yellow leaves with a wide grey-green border. A sport of 'Pineapple Upsidedown Cake' and probably tetr
Wavy, thick golden yellow leaves with a wide grey-green border. A sport of 'Pineapple Upsidedown Cake' and probably
Rounded green leaves with a yellow edge, 'Gold Edger' sport, looks like 'Radiant Edger'.
Upright dark-green leaves with wavy margins held on tall red petioles.
Heart-shaped golden leaves with a green margin, 'Vanilla Cream' sport.
Small green leaves with a creamy-yellow margin that later turns white.
Dark green, shiny leaves with yellowish, later creamy-white margins. A sport of 'Lime Zest'.
Shiny green leaves of good substance with a creamy-yellow center that changes to white.
Light green leaves with a wide yellow margin that turns white later, good substance, 'Grand Tiara' sport.
Upright green leaves, rectifolia hybrid, very tall bloom scapes with good flowers.
Powdery blue and puckered leaves with a very wavy margin, beautiful hybrid of 'Frosted Dimples' and 'Sea Frolic'.
Large blue-green leaves, other plant than the American 'Hercules'.
Blue-green leaves of excellent substance with a wide creamy-yellow border that changes to pure white. Interesting hybrid
Blue-green leaves of excellent substance with a wide creamy-yellow border that changes to pure white. Interesting h
Narrow green leaves with a white margin. Sport of 'Hidden Cove'.
Rounded limey-green leaves with a wavy margin that will get brighter and brighter during the season.
Slightly shiny green leaves with a wide yellow margin that colors creamy later.
Very large soft-green leaves. A cross between the two fantastic giants: 'Arch Duke' and 'Jurassic Park'.
Yellow leaves showing red veins and a red edge in spring.
Elongated, grey-blue leaves with a creamy-yellow margin that turns white. Available plants are not big yet.
Chartreuse-green leaves with wavy margins that colour bright yellow in more sun. Intense red petioles. A fantastic new i
Chartreuse-green leaves with wavy margins that colour bright yellow in more sun. Intense red petioles. A fantastic
Icy-blue leaves. Lookes like a very blue 'Empress Wu'. Let's see if this one will be as big as 'Empress Wu'.
Grey-green leaves held on purple petioles and show a purple red haze on top of the leaves. Purple colour intensifies at
Grey-green leaves held on purple petioles and show a purple red haze on top of the leaves. Purple colour intensifie
Grey-green leaves with red-purple veins all the way to the top in most part of the season.
Green leaves with a splash of purple in the center of the leaves. A improved version of 'Purple Haze' of which it is a s
Green leaves with a splash of purple in the center of the leaves. A improved version of 'Purple Haze' of which it i
Long powdery-blue leaves held on purple petioles.
Thick and shiny green leaves with a slightly wavy margin. The red-purple of the petioles reaches to the middle of each l
Thick and shiny green leaves with a slightly wavy margin. The red-purple of the petioles reaches to the middle of e
Fresh green leaves on intensely red petioles. The red of the petioles goes into the leaves.
Soft grey-green leaves that turn yellow on purple-red petioles. The purple-red goes all the way into the leaves. One of
Soft grey-green leaves that turn yellow on purple-red petioles. The purple-red goes all the way into the leaves. On
Green leaves with greenish-yellow margins that turn to white quickly. A Hosta with red petioles that has thicker leaves
Green leaves with greenish-yellow margins that turn to white quickly. A Hosta with red petioles that has thicker le
Upright blue-grey leaves.
Upright, blue-grey leaves with yellow, later creamy-white borders that are slightly wavy.
Green leaves with wavy margins held on red petioles. The red moves up into the leaves and veins.
Intensly yellow leaves with ruffled margins held on red petioles.
Sturdy, twisted and slightly folded green leaves with rippled margins. Sport of 'Holar Wild Side' and probably tetraploi
Sturdy, twisted and slightly folded green leaves with rippled margins. Sport of 'Holar Wild Side' and probably tetr
Dark-green leaves with a yellow wavy border that completely changes to grey-green with pure white borders.
Upright and firm dark-green leaves, cupped and corrugated.
Very thick round blue-green leaves with a creamy-white centre, a sport of 'Blue Mouse Ears'.
Heart-shaped yellowish-green leaves with a wide creamy white border.
Large pale-green to yellow leaves.
Long, pointed powdery-blue leaves.
Thick green leaves with a yellow margin. Nice new sport of 'Honey Pie'.
Slightly wavy, yellow leaves that are puckered.
Dark green leaves with impressed veins and a downward heavily ruffled margin.
Greenish-yellow leaves with a green margin, sport of 'Royal Standard'.
Heart-shaped blue leaves with a creamy-white margin that turns clear white later. The nice ruffling in the margin makes
Heart-shaped blue leaves with a creamy-white margin that turns clear white later. The nice ruffling in the margin m
Very large yellowish-green leaves that are shiny and have deeply impressed veins. A hybrid of 'Outrageous' and 'Sum and
Very large yellowish-green leaves that are shiny and have deeply impressed veins. A hybrid of 'Outrageous' and 'Sum
Blue-green leaves with a dark yellow center that is surrounded by a white line.
Upright, wavy yellow, thick leaves held on intens purple petioles. Another fantastic introduction from Dan Wols.
Almost rounded, pretty blue leaves.
Creamy-yellowish leaves that turn white with a wide blue-green margin. A sport of 'Eskimo Pie' that grows better because
Creamy-yellowish leaves that turn white with a wide blue-green margin. A sport of 'Eskimo Pie' that grows better be
Heavy, very large blue-green leaves. A finally available early introduction of Mildred Seaver who is known as the Queen
Heavy, very large blue-green leaves. A finally available early introduction of Mildred Seaver who is known as the Q
Tiny heart-shaped grey-green leaves with a yellow changing to white margin, fast growing venusta hybrid.
Heart-shaped yellow leaves, fast grower, some sun for good yellow color.