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Blue-grey leaves with a creamy-white margin, 'Halcyon' parentage.
Gold centered leaves with a ruffled green margin, sport of 'Elisabeth'.
Very wavy green leaves with red petioles of which the red reacher far into the leaves.
Heart-shaped satin green leaves with a wavy white margin. The white back of the leaves and the red petioles do indicate
Heart-shaped satin green leaves with a wavy white margin. The white back of the leaves and the red petioles do indi
Thick, upright and cupped yellowish-green leaves with a slightly wavy margin.
Round and twisted yellow leaves changing to yellowish green later. Nice seedling of 'Vanilla Cream'.
Rounded blue-green leaves with a creamy-white margin, slow grower, 'Mount Tom' hybrid.
Large blue-grey leaves with a heavily rippled margin. A very large good growing Hosta.
Yellowish-green leaves with a white margin, slightly corrugated, easy grower.
Green that becomes yellow leaves with a wide green margin. Sport of 'Lakeside Meter Maid'.
Small upright blue leaves that are corrugated.
Round, cupped and puckered green leaves with a irregular yellow margin. Most varieties with these characteristics grow b
Round, cupped and puckered green leaves with a irregular yellow margin. Most varieties with these characteristics g
Round blue leaves that are heavily corrugated, cupped and of good substance. Upright growing habit.
Heart-shaped cupped white centered leaves with a blue-green margin.
Cupped green leaves, slightly corrugated with a creamy yellow margin that turns white.
Small oval-shaped green leaves with a creamy margin that are heavily corrugated, sport of 'Lakeside Dot Com'.
Upright dark green leaves with a narrow yellow and later in the season white center, rippled edges of the leaves.
Bright yellow leaves of good substance, slightly corrugated, seedling x 'Sun Glow' hybrid.
Large corrugated dark-green leaves that have deeply impressed veins and a heavily rippled margin. Outstanding background
Large corrugated dark-green leaves that have deeply impressed veins and a heavily rippled margin. Outstanding backg
Large, puckered and round dark-green leaves. A beautiful "Lakeside" that is finally available.
Long, narrow green leaves with a wavy yellow margin, good grower.
Long and ruffled, blue leaves with a powdery white back. One of the best blues of the ‘Lakeside’ series.
Round cupped and puckered grey-green leaves with a yellow margin, nice compact habit.
Yellowish-white leaves with a slightly wavy shiny dark green margin.
Very large green leaves. An enormous Hosta that is finally available after many years.
Shiny dark green leaves with a creamy-yellow margin, leathery thick substance.
Yellow leaves that turn white with a wide green margin, a sport of 'Summer Music' and grows a bit better.
Heart-shaped slightly cupped green leaves, venusta x 'Blue Cadet' hybrid.
Lime green leaves, slightly wavy margin, vigorous grower with 'Hydon Sunset' as one of its parents.
Oval, cupped yellow leaves with a wavy green margin. The feathery pattern of the yellow center does make this Hosta very
Oval, cupped yellow leaves with a wavy green margin. The feathery pattern of the yellow center does make this Hosta
Thick round and cupped grey-green leaves that are heavily corrugated, turns to shiny green later.
Dark green leaves with a wide creamy-white margin, nice plant of unknown parentage.
Heavily corrugated green leaves with a rippled yellow margin that turns creamy-white during the season. Beautiful sport
Heavily corrugated green leaves with a rippled yellow margin that turns creamy-white during the season. Beautiful s
Large green leaves with a heavily rippled margin when it is mature.
Round-shaped cupped and puckered blue leaves, good substance.
Heart-shaped grey-green leaves with a creamy-yellow margin, a hybrid of 'Lakeside Knickknack'.
Elongated wavy green leaves, with a creamy-yellow margin.
Shiny green, oval-shaped leaves with a narrow yellow margin.
Leaves with a narrow creamy-white centre and a wide dark green edge.
Somewhat pointed, shiny dark green leaves of good substance with a wide yellow margin that turns cream.
Rounded puckered dark green leaves with a yellow edge, sport of 'Zounds'.
Elongated, wavy yellowish-green leaves of which the veins stay yellowish-white.
Long-shaped green leaves that are shiny, cupped, folded, puckered and wavy. A very special new introduction.
Blue-green leaves with a rippled yellow margin.
Very thick leathery grey-blue leaves with a wavy margin, vigorous grower, nice fragrant flowers.
Narrow, upright and puckered, yellow leaves with a wide, perfect-white margin.
Narrow green leaves with a wavy gold margin, sport of 'Lemon Lime'.
Bright yellow leaves on red petioles. Needs some morning sun for good growth and good color but too much light will blea
Bright yellow leaves on red petioles. Needs some morning sun for good growth and good color but too much light will
Narrow yellow leaves with a wavy margin, greenish later, probably a nakaiana background.
Round-shaped yellow leaves with a white back, a hypoleuca hybrid.
Round and cupped yellow leaves with bright red petioles of which the colour goes into the leaves.
Narrow yellow leaves with green edges.
Upright green leaves with a slightly wavy margin held on long red petioles.
Wavy green leaves with a white margin. An unusual sport of ‘Patriot’ that is named by Danny Van Eechaute. It has the app
Wavy green leaves with a white margin. An unusual sport of ‘Patriot’ that is named by Danny Van Eechaute. It has th
Green leaves with an extremely broad creamy-yellow margin, spectacular 'Sagae' sport.
Sturdy green leaves with an irregular white center, the leaves are twisted, obvious a 'Fortunei' type.
Yellowish-green leaves that turn white surrounded by a dark green margin.
Very thick, shiny yellow leaves. Plants are smallish.
Heart-shaped, somewhat shiny green leaves with a yellow margin.
Green leaves with a yellow margin, fast grower, stable sport of the unknown 'Rosedale Daisy Mae'.
Small yellow leaves that remain good yellow through the season on purple-red petioles.
Large heart-shaped blue-green leaves, sieboldiana type of plant.
Light blue leaves with a wavy margin, a good hybrid of 'Salute' x 'Azure Snow'.
Dark green shiny leaves with a good substance, yingeri type, needs sun and water.
Dark green leaves with a wavy white margin, excellent sport of 'Lemon Delight', very vigorous grower.
Thick heart-shaped corrugated yellow leaves, 'Tokudama' hybrid, a slow grower as many of this type.
Bright yellow leaves turning to lime green as the season progress.
Lance-shaped, somewhat puckered green leaves with yellow borders.
Elongated bright golden leaves with green margins. Similar (if not identical) and as beautiful as ‘Flemish Beauty’.
Long-shaped green leaves held on red petioles. The all-green sport of 'Flemish Beauty'.
Bright yellow leaves becoming light green later. The red colour of the petioles continues into the leaves.
Long and narrow creamy-white leaves with a blue-green border. Similar to the well-known ‘Moonstruck’ but remains smaller
Long and narrow creamy-white leaves with a blue-green border. Similar to the well-known ‘Moonstruck’ but remains sm
Narrow yellowish-white leaves with a green margin, looks like a miniature 'Whirlwind'.
Elongated green leaves with a very narrow white edge.
Upward growing grey-green leaves that are round and corrugated.
Narrow grey-green leaves with a creamy-white center, sport of 'Beauty Little Blue'.
Small chartreuse-green leaves, a venusta selection.
Small and narrow green leaves. Interesting big pure white flowers.
Corrugated yellow leaves with a wide green edge, a good sport of 'Little Aurora'.
Narrow creamy colored leaves with a wide blue margin, a sport of 'Little Jay'.
Small dark green leaves with a yellow changing to creamy-white edge.
Long-shaped green leaves with a wide yellow margin. The kikutii background is still good visible.
Lance-shaped blue-grey leaves held by purple red petioles. Late-flowering species and finally available again.
Dark green leaves with a wavy margin, good substance, late flowering.
Heart-shaped green leaves with a wavy, wide yellow border.
Very large green leaves that are somewhat corrugated and have a wavy margin.
Lance-shaped blue leaves with a heavily wavy border.
Yellow leaves with green margins on red petioles. The yellow colors greenish when season progresses.
Round-shaped cupped and puckered blue leaves, good growing 'Tokudama' type.
Grey-green leaves with heavily rippled margins. Grows larger than we thought.
Bright yellow, puckered leaves that change color to apple-green. So far never shown a flower! Available plants are not b
Bright yellow, puckered leaves that change color to apple-green. So far never shown a flower! Available plants are
Thick blue-green leaves with a wide creamy-yellow border, a sport of 'One Iota Supreme'.
Thick, shiny green leaves with a good white border. Sport of 'Devon Green'.
Dark-green leaves with a very wide yellow edge, sport of 'Parky's Prize' and like it parent a fast grower.
Very thick greenish-yellow leaves. The all-gold sport of 'Luna Moth' and can be seen as the tetraploid 'Birchwood Parky'
Very thick greenish-yellow leaves. The all-gold sport of 'Luna Moth' and can be seen as the tetraploid 'Birchwood P
Lime green changing to yellow leaves with a wide green edge, one of the better 'August Moon' sports.
Lime green leaves with a rippled, piecrust edge held on red petioles and having white backs. A bit slow grower but the l
Lime green leaves with a rippled, piecrust edge held on red petioles and having white backs. A bit slow grower but